Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is that a chankroid on your lips, or R U Just glad to see me?

The fresh, young prezdent was about to make his appearance live on CSPAN, and I was watching intently... it was a close-up, and no sooner did I see a large chankroid on his left-upper lip than he protruded his very expressive jaw, scraped it off with his beautiful, white teeth, and then, E-gads!, he swallowed it! (America as I knew and loved reached an all-time low at that point, yet soon, it would get even lower... )

Like the time Paula Jones said that she was summoned to a hotel room by a State Trooper, because the Guvner wanted to talk to her. He displayed his gift of gab when he walked up to the seated Paula, whipped out his member, and said, "Kees it." Paula has no reason to lie, so when the Grand Jury asked her to describe any unusual feature about it, she said it crooked decidedly leftward. The Prosecuting Uppity made Mr. President drop his drawers, (Briefs or Boxers?), and Yep! It was crooked. I had to call me Dear Departed Father and I says, "Pup! Have you heard the latest about Bill Clinton?" "Yeah," he said. "Geez," I says, "He IS crooked, isn't he?" Dear Father roared, and said, "Yeah! He's crooked right down to his dick!!!" The reason, (and there is always a reason), that it was crooked to the left is because he hammered it alot it in his admittedly sex-free teen years, and of course he is left-handed.

Now, I don't know too much about Whitewater, other than he helped a lot of people lose their shirts over a real estate scam HillBilly, Inc., cleaned up with. Oh. And the fact that it was called, "WHITEwater." (You see where their mindset it is? "By their words ye shall know them.")

But billyboy went even further than no man has gone before: He lied to the Grand Jury. He lied to the United States Congress and he lied to a huge television audience, wherein he crooked his right inex finger, glared into the camera, and said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, (blink-blink), Ms. Lewinsky." WRONG! WRONG! And WRONG, AGAIN! She was not THAT WOMAN. She was that girl! And how old were you? 53? She was a teenaged, White House Intern! Not even Staff! And, her mom was, IS a very famous Madam, with a bevy of lovely cuties and seductresses who could be had for a couple of double-latte's at Starbucks. THAT was when America was at its lowest... when they did the nasty in the Oval Office, under President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's desk. How appropo!

But Monika, God Bless her. Her dress caught the wad before it hit the carpet, (that Hilly picked out). Again. How appropo! (That should be her legacy. He husband always got her in a fucked up situation. Bad taste in men, and an enabler, or won't give the poor guy what he wants, when he wants. Some men are like that. They cannot go a single friggin' day without somehow, somewhere emptying their gonads. Their life revolves around their reproductive organs, and Billyboy, after two terms as president, still does not even know where his sperm is supposed to go. He told Sanjay Gupta on CNN, "When a sperm enters an embryo, there is life." Five times, as if he was an authority on the subject, and Doctor Gupta at first looked mirthed, then sad, that this man who had once been a Chief Executive Officer, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America was a drunken idiot who STILL doesn't know where his sperm is supposed to go! Somebody please tell Dr. Clinton that when a SPERMATOZOA enters AN EGG, in the first and most beautiful of creation, LIFE BEGINS! And, "When two people are joined together, there is God." (And please know it says 'people.) Now, let me tell you something, buster. This being 2010, I have not had sex anytime, anywhere, anyhow for 14 years. That is called discipline.) If it had hit the carpet, it would have soaked it right down to the wooden floor, and the whole building would have had to be torn down. As it is, it just might get torn down, anyway, if somebody has their way. Or at least trimmed in a handsome chocolate brown... perhaps when a descendent of Slaves occupies the Office. That would be Justice, indeed. But I'll accept a half Black, half Buddist and half Muslim President of The Great United States of America, who has done more in a year than what ten HillBilly, Inc., scumbags could do in eight!

SCUMBAG, def: "One who gets a BJ in the OO in his 2600-dollar suit at lunchtime, and walks around all day with the stuff forming a crust on his nuts." THAT'S a scumbag

"No Yasser! Don't sit there! It's still wet!"

O' Golden God. Unfit to infest even your shadow, this insect wishes only to clutch to his heart one handful of Earth you have walked upon...

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